Friday, July 3, 2009

Travel Call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We're going to Korea to meet our son! We're beside ourselves with joy!!!!

I (Jana) got the call from our adoption agency yesterday while I was on the Precor at the gym, so I was out of breath for 2 reasons! A whirlwind of travel arrangements ensued -- we leave Tuesday, July 7 and fly from San Luis Obispo to LA to Tokyo to Seoul (20 hours of travel - whew!). We'll arrive Wednesday night (Korea time...16 hours difference from CA), meet our Baby Tae on Thursday, and receive him forever on Monday, July 13. We leave Seoul for a direct flight to San Francisco on Tuesday, July 14 and my parents will be here to meet us in San Luis Obispo when we arrive home -- and our lives will never be the same!

We are grateful beyond words for the prayers and support of so many who have accompanied us on this journey, and we look forward to posting photos and stories of the continuing journey, especially when we meet him in Seoul. And this weekend we'll post some photos of his room, too.

Jana and Michael


  1. What fantastic news!! We will be with you in prayer as you journey to Korea, meet your precious son, and journey back as a family. Then we will be so eager to meet him, too! So much love to you, and blessings.

    Jean and Erland

  2. The day has finally arrived! Blessings and Godspeed!

  3. I heard the grand news from Marj last night - YAY, YAY, and YAY YAY YAY! I'm still wearing my red bracelet and keeping you all in prayer every time I see it (which is all the time, since it's on the same wrist as my watch, and I'm always needing to look at my watch cuz I'm always late - being a creative person and all that, ya know. Anyhoo, can't wait to meet B.T. and hear all about your trip. Have a grand time - and if you find a big pencil, pick one up for me, will you? I collect 'em. Love you, Jane XO

  4. Hooray! I'm so excited for you three and your wonderful extended family! I'll keep you in prayer as you travel and come home *together.*

  5. Hey you guys, what wonderful news. We are so excited for you and cannot wait until you 'three' come to visit in Colorado. What a blessing.

    g, s, k, and j struessel

  6. Alleluia! Tears of joy are streaming down my face as I type! Alleluia and travel safe! Love, Colleen

  7. God bless you on your enormous journey there and back! We will all (Andrea and Josh too) be praying for you!
    Love, Paula & Mike

  8. I'm so thrilled. I can't see the screen for all of the tears of joy. Prayers and blessings. Love, Judy

  9. We are thrilled for you three to finally be together. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all! Lots and lots of love and safe travels! Molly and Doug

  10. We are thrilled to read this news, and celebrate with you from Minnesota!
    Prayers and support from our family to yours on this (figurative and literal)journey.

    The Schweizer Davidsons

  11. Blessings and congratulations! May God go before you every step of the way. Travel mercies and WOW!
    -Kristyn, Dave, and little Irene

  12. WoWee! Super excited for all of you! And yes, your lives will never be the same, but oh the gladness and joy! (Along with poopy diapers and shooting pee and many other fun things that go along with having a boy. Oh joy!)
    Delighted we are and prayerful as well. Travel safe, travel well and Chad would say, buy him a seat on the plane for safety... Loves to you! -Jordi (and the boys)

  13. Oh Jana and Micheal what wonderful news!! Hooray! We are so happy for you all! This brings so much joy to our hearts! Our God is so very good!
    -Chrissy, Mark, and Lucca

  14. Jana and Michael,
    We are thrilled about this long awaited news. Many prayers have been answered and we will certainly keep them going as you travel to Korea. Have a safe and blessed journey.

    Sandy and Frank

  15. God speed! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear all about your little one. Love, Ann Titus

  16. This is fantastic news! We are thrilled for you two. We send you prayers for a safe journey - to Korea and back - and for the rest of your lives with your new gift of joy.
    Russ and Jeanie

  17. Prayers of thanksgiving and joy, and hugs for all that lies ahead:-)
    Blessings on your travels & transition...we'll be thinking of you all along the way!
    much love,
    Sharon Geldaker & Stan Berntson

  18. Jana and Michael,
    We got your wonderful news as we were sitting on the beach in San Diego for 4th holiday! We spent the weekend building sand castles as a family and playing in the cool surf, eating animal crackers and making up stories about mermaids and whales! James and I have always loved the beach and we’re so happy Elianna loves it, too! I kept thinking that soon this will be your experience, too! What you will discover about Tae and who he is as your child will fill volumes and make your hearts burst with joy!

    We are sending you so much love as we pray that the surprises and adventures that await you will overjoy (not overwhelm!) you all. I know you will be so busy in these next months, but call me if you need anything!! Even with a simple question.

    I look forward to meeting your son and sharing in your family’s joy!
    Laurie, James and Elianna

  19. Don knows me sooooo well:) The minute he walked onto the patio at church and saw the cake, he knew to pull out the cell phone and call me (I was home with 2 grandbabies)...anyway, I'm so excited I'm thinking of nothing but you two and Baby Tae. With my grandbabies here all weekend, I'm 3 days behind in my homework for tomorrow's bible study but can't concentrate for thoughts of your baby!
    I'm waiting for a middle name before I complete your gift. My fingers are itching to do it and I'd love to have it at home for you when you get there, but if YOU can be this patient, surely I can stand it for another 2 weeks or so.
    Know we're rejoicing with you for this BLESSING and praying for you constantly until you're safely home!
    Love, Carol

  20. So excited that you'll get to be in Seoul soon! We were passed on your blog via Bill and Gloria we also just travelled to meet and pick up our son, Tae! He is wonderful, our experience was great and we'd be happy to share if you want to email or or 623-330-8599. We stayed at the Sommerset and really enjoyed going to the Childrens' Grand Park. It is an amazing, God given moment to meet your son and welcome him into your arms of love. Congratulations!
    Tha Andersons, Zach, Heidi, Anika and Tae

  21. prayers for safe travel and a joyful encounter with your son!


  22. Jana & Michael,
    What wonderful news!! Thank you for letting us know. Our prayers: that God will continue to watch over you as you travel, gather your son into your family, and begin the journey of life as parents.
    Love to all three of you!
    Byron and Kathryn
