Thursday, February 18, 2010

Finally...a new post!!

Well, it's official - going back to work is detrimental for regular blogging!  Life has been a bit crazy adjusting to both of us working since early November, but we think we have the hang of it now, and we feel very blessed that we only need 2 days/week of child care for Tae.

The past few months have been full of joy -- Thanksgiving in L.A. with friends (we went out for excellent Korean food on Thanksgiving in Korea Town!) and a trip to the L.A. zoo; my parents visiting all of December and a delightful first Christmas with a baby; time at the beach; and Mike's parents visiting last week. 

Tae's big milestones the past few months have included learning to walk like a pro, becoming an artist (with a crayon on the back of our front door), and going from 2 naps to 1 - big changes!  Rather than bore you with more words, here's our life with Tae the past few months:


  1. Well...good timing! I was just about to notify about this INACTIVE ACCOUNT cluttering up cyberspace. Now I want to contact them to nominate Beautiful Star as the most amazing blog EVER! My nephew is such a cutie! Thanks for post.

    I really look forward to hooking up with y'all in WA this summer. Though it's also hard to think of waiting that long. Not sure if trip to CA might be in the offing before then, but I wouldn't want to rule it out.

    Love - M (&M)

  2. How cool! He is beautiful (and so are you and Mike).
    Hope the next post is about how you are planning an trip to Oregon :)

  3. Yay! Finally new pictures....and they are worth the wait! What a photogenic family. It warms my heart to see such love and joy in these pictures. What a blessing!

    Love you,

  4. What a beautiful, beautiful family!!!

  5. Thank you, I have been waiting a long time to see more of Tae (and you two, too! This "city" has been bleak without all of the smiles. Hope to see you in person soon. Keep being such a beautiful family. Judy
