Tuesday, August 11, 2009

One month home!

Today we celebrated one month together as a family. We brought Tae out for dinner and he was amazing -- he ate everything we fed him off our plates and intently watched everything happening in the restaurant! We are thankful beyond words for the gift he is to us.

Tae had lots of firsts this week! Here are some photos:

First corn on the cob:

First hair cut from our good friend Leslie:

First tooth coming in since he's been home (now he has 7)! Thank goodness for teething rings:

First time in a Johnny Jump-up:

And though not a "first," another cute photo:

Summer blessings to you from the 3 of us!
Jana, Mike, and Tae


  1. He is so adorable, Jana! I can't wait to meet him. thanks for sharing your journey with us. What a blessing.

  2. Jana & Michael - He is so beautilful! Thank you so much for sharing this amazing journey with those that love you!

  3. When will he be ready for Taco Temple?

  4. What a blessing Tae is! Can't wait to meet him!

  5. He is truly BEAUTIFUL and he is part of a beautiful family. The love and joy are all over your faces. Thanks for sharing these pictures so that we feel we almost know him even before we officially meet. Blessings and joy to you all. jean
