We were so excited tonight to open new photos of our little cutie! We're confident that he's being well fed! :-) It reminds us of how in love we are with our son, how grateful we are to be on this journey, and how thankful we are for those who are now caring for him.
And it's certainly timely, since just yesterday we received his "legals" from Korea (basically legal proof of his birth and current guardianship by our agency) which today we used to file a visa petition with the USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services). Hopefully we'll hear in the next month or so that he's been approved for a visa and emigration permit, then we'll have a couple other hoops to jump through before the visa is issued. We'll receive the "travel call" anytime between late May and August. Whew! It's really happening!
We're blessed and happy -- thanks for your support and prayers!
Jana and Michael
P.S. Yep...he's still "Baby Tae" at this point! :-)